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H Αθηνά ο Δίας

Αthina Odiαs PhD

Ψυχοπομπός (Psychopomp)

Through my abilities, I can help a ‘suffering soul’ to cross the threshold and go ‘towards the light’. I cannot fully guarantee success, but I will use all my strength to help it across, and thus to appease the soul. This is a rather uncertain approach, and it can take between two seconds and several consultations… I will refund you if I am unable to calm the spirit so that it leaves you, the living, in peace. I will also direct you towards other people who specialize in this field. I am able totravel all over Paris.

An invoice will be given to you on request. Any refund will be made by cheque for financial reasons (proof of receipt).

Rate : 250 euros for the first (and usually last) attempt, per soul, and then free for any subsequent attempts.

N.B.: During a consultation, whether in person or over skype, you must be able to fully understand English or French (my native tongue). You need to be able to understand the nuances in vocabulary during conversations concerning the invisible world. If you do not know what the word ‘guide’ means, or are unaware of the concept of ‘past lives’ in the words of Dos Passos, I would either advise against a consultation with me, or for you to come with an interpreter (at your own expense).